The Town of Wickenburg is a bit of the old West. Wickenburg was and is still known for its gold mining history. Wickenburg is a good old town, in the hills northwest, of Phoenix. Wickenburg is rich in history and if you’re looking to slow down and enjoy life the good ol’ fashion way, Wickenburg is it!
Wickenburg may be a slightly slower pace but it always has activities going on. Its arts and culture will keep you busy. Whether it’s Wickenburg’s art clubs or performing arts center, Wickenburg has the culture. Then there’s roping…roping has become Wickenburg’s cornerstone. Wickenburg is known to be the “roping capitol of the world”. At any given time you will most likely be able to find an arena that has an event going on. If roping is your thing, then Wickenburg is where you should be searching for a home. If a different “horse power” is your thing, there are hundreds of miles of off road trails for you and your Jeep or Side by Side. You can always hike to the top of Vulture Peak or tour Vulture mine itself, if the desire to exercise, blesses you. Every year, Wickenburg puts on a phenomenal community event called “Gold Rush Days”, it’s usually around February, so make sure if you are looking to buy a home in Wickenburg you visit around this time of year.
Walk down town or meander through the town in search for the rich history of Wickenburg. If being part of a small community that is always focused on providing its families with a variety of activities, then Wickenburg is a great place to be searching for Real Estate. Country living, cowboy hat’s, cowboy boots and good folks, Its where you need to be. If you are looking for a home for sale in Wickenburg, Tinzie Realty welcomes all of your questions.