Welcome to our featured listings. Here you will find Listings that are under Tinzie Realty’s Brokerage. Our Featured Listings are displayed with all the information and details that are found on the MLS. These Featured Listings are syndicated to our site through our affiliation with FlexMLS. You will be able to see the size of the home along with year built, bedroom and bathroom count, pictures, etc.
If you are considering selling your home then this will give you an idea of how your home will be displayed on our website. When you list your home with Tinzie Realty your home gets featured on our site as well as, it will be syndicated to just under 100 different websites and most importantly, it’s on the Regional Multiple Listing Service for Maricopa County area. It’s important to have your home syndicated everywhere so that it get’s as much WEB visibility as possible.
Statistics show that more and more people are researching their future home online, then driving around to see if they like it. Once they think it’s something they like then they call an agent. Knowing the WEB is where folks go, then that is where you want your home to be featured. We are slowly seeing listing agents not even putting up yard signs. If the trend is to switch to WEB advertising and research for clients, then potentially the old fashion yard sign may disappear.
Having said all of that you can see why it’s important for your listing to be featured on our website. Of course all of our listings get featured so nothing additional is needed to be featured. If you have any questions about how the MLS works or how your home can be featured on our website then please let us know, give us a
call today.